Superman Through the Ages!Holliston School Committee  
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Samuel Hawkins

Samuel Hawkins is an ergonomics engineer and amateur science fiction writer.

He has taken time from his hectic schedule to write and contribute four stories:  Taking Time: A Tale of the Very New Superboy, in which Clark Kent dons his cape for the first time; Martha's Story, focusing on the life and death of Martha Kent; Tomorrow's Lesson: An Untold Tale of Superboy and the Legion of Super-Heroes, one of Superboy's early adventures into the 30th century; and Strange Visitor.

Mr. Hawkins currently lives in Alabama and hopes that he will someday find the time to work on his Supergirl story.

more info about Samuel Hawkins

Elliot S! Maggin

Elliot S! Maggin was one of the pricipal writers for Superman comic-books from 1971 until 1986.  He has also written the critically acclaimed novels, Superman: Last Son of Krypton, Superman: Miracle Monday, and Kingdom Come.

His stories here on Superboy Lives! are: Starwinds Howl, a tale relating the circumstances surrounding Krypto's adoption into the El family and adventures in space, and Luthor's Gift, in which the decades-long conflict between Superman and Lex Luthor is finally resolved.

Mr. Maggin currently lives in Los Angeles.

more info about Elliot S! Maggin

The STORIES! Who's Who?
Letter from READERS! The Authors! Superboy Bookshop!


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